We help

Corporate social responsibility is a major element of our strategy and sets the course of our daily activities.

Let’s work together.

We enjoy building networks. That includes human networks, too.

Our annual agenda is full of regular charity campaigns: Szlachetna Paczka, WOŚP, and the Poland Business Run. We also support the Wisła Blind Football Kraków team.

We support education.

Since 2017, we have worked with the Kraków University of Technology, where we started the Salumanus Lab at the Faculty of Mechanics, equipped with cutting-edge network devices from DCN. Our experts deliver lectures within the applied IT programme and train students in adapter configuration. We also provide equipment for networks labs at high schools and primary schools.

We help people believe in themselves.

We are happy to invest in the future of children and young people. We help the students of the Academy of the Future pursue their dreams and develop their passions.

Leading Telecommunication Networks.