Data Centre Solutions


3 min read

Perfect cable connections.

The demand for Data Centre services keeps growing year in, year out. New centres are continually cropping up and existing ones rush to increase the density of their infrastructure. Every centimetre counts.

The GBC Photonics InterConnectionSystem is a universal solution that guarantees a fourfold improvement in the use of rack cabinet space and makes it easier to connect points across data centre rack cabinets, kiosks or chambers. This saves time and makes cable space management more flexible.

The GBC Photonics ICS is a system based on distribution boxes, switches and splitters, i.e. fully passive devices that have low insertion loss and do not need to be powered. The ICS system is modular, which allows you to configure the distribution space of the server room as you like. Its installation does not require any specialist skills. Fibre-optic cables are connected via the plug-and-play method, with no need for welding.

Contact us! We will show you how to save space in your Data Centre!:

Leading Telecommunication Networks.